The Artist behind Cosmic Emilia

I believe that when you start sharing your energy out there on the cosmic internet ether, you begin attracting people with similar vibes. However, I never thought I would end up meeting such an incredible artist and gentle soul like Aniella.

Her work is breathtakingly beautiful, delicate yet powerful, minimalistic yet full of meaning. I love her use of color, her subtle humor, her sweetness, and her delicate lines. But most of all, I truly admire her unapologetic bluntness and determination in conveying a message of love, empathy, and compassion.

Aniella has the type of talent you instantly recognize, there are no doubts she is an accomplished artist. Her talent takes you away and all of a sudden you find yourself floating high in outer space, through the milky way, in the extraterrestrial vastness, contemplating greatness and absorbing all cosmic energy.

She is Venezuelan, like me. We discovered this during our initial phone call and it felt like the cherry on top, like it was meant to be. I know, it sounds a bit silly, but when you are an ex-pat it feels extra special when the universe drops someone in your path that reminds you of home and makes you feel proud of your roots (I was deeply honored she chose to work with me for her branding session. The first of many collaborations I hope we get to share).

Aniella is also a mother of two beautiful little girls and a full-time entrepreneur. I asked her a few questions about parenting, her message, and being an entrepreneur. This is what she said:

P: Tell me about your parenting approach and how it relates to your art.

A: I think in parenting as in life we are all making it up as we go! Personally, I subscribe to the conscious parenting approach. I believe that it is our responsibility as caregivers to be aware of our own attachments, expectations, and biases. Understanding our emotional baggage and the why behind some of the preconceived ideas we carry about raising children will empower us to stop comparing ourselves (and our kids) to some unattainable paragon we have built our sense of worth around. As parents, all we can do is model healthy traits, not impose them. We are here to guide, not control. My hope is that by working on my own limitations I can offer my daughters ample runway to take flight and blossom into their own beings. This is why every product I chose to make is centered on facilitating the connection between the caregiver and the child. My yoga cards, for example, are a tool that calls for adults to be facilitators. At first, you can't just hand them out and walk away. You must be present and ready to play when you use them. You have to be willing to take part in the practice until, eventually, your kids can use them on their own. Play as a tool for growth and connection is something I am very interested in exploring through my work.

P: What messages are you sharing through Cosmic Emilia?

A: Cosmic Emilia is all about the inner child. Even though children are the intended client, I aspire to create products that can also serve to remind grown-ups what it is like to be a kid. Nudging anyone–big or small–into their playful, curious selves!

P: Can you share your experience with motherhood and entrepreneurship?

A: It is hard! So hard! I wish I had a more encouraging nugget of wisdom to share here, but the struggle to find a balance between creativity and motherhood is something I face daily. Motherhood has changed me deeply. I have mastered many new skills like time management, goal-setting, and enforcing boundaries. Yet, the biggest leap of growth in my personal journey has been gaining confidence and feeling more comfortable in my own skin. I have slowly, but surely, learned to set aside my perfectionist traits and put myself out there. If I expect my daughters to do their best, rather than to be perfect–why can't I offer myself the same grace? This has been a liberating proposition in both motherhood and entrepreneurship. To quote Angela Schwindt: "While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."

Paper flowers in pastel colors of blue, white, red and yellow against a white backdrop during a branding session in NYC
a woman wearing a white and blue Lisa Marie Fernandez dress looks away while surrounded by paper flowers, by Paula Ortiz
a black and white half body view of Aniella Ernandez during her branding session by Paula Ortiz in NYC
a half body view of artist Aniella Ernandez wearing a Lisa Marie Fernandez  dress during a branding photoshoot in NYC
a half body view in black and white of a woman with her arms on her waist against a white backdrop, photo by Paula Ortiz
Aniella Ernandez, the artist behind Cosmic Emilia is seen candidly walking amongst her paper flowers in NYC
a woman wearing a Lisa Marie Fernandez poses with arms behind her head surrounded by paper flowers in multicolors
a woman lays down on the floor with paper flowers in multi colors, photo by Paula Ortiz NYC Family Photographer
a woman lays down on the floor with paper flowers in multi colors for her branding session by NYC Photographer
a candid view of illustrator artist Aniella Ernandez next to her paper flowers during a branding session in NYC by Paula

All rights reserved. Copyright Paula Ortiz 2023. NYC Family Photographer.

Cosmic Emilia

I would love for you to enjoy Aniella's work as much as I do. You can follow and contact her here:


Instagram @cosmicemilia


Are you looking for a Branding session?

I love working with entrepreneurs and creating a comprehensive and custom set of images that reflect your brand identity.

New York, NY